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Monday, February 2, 2015

Top Value

Growing up in Georgia and part of a big family focused on savings, we frequented stores that gave reward stamps.  Yellow or green, the amount based on how much you spent, we pasted them into books.  We got a catalog and spent those books dreaming of what we could get for them when we had enough to trade in.  S&H Green stamps got us a Sear’s bonnet hair dryer that lasted through Momma and four girls, with long hair.  Top Value stamps got me a pressure cooker that worked for over 20 years.

Though those companies are long since bankrupt, the concept exists today with programs funded by the merchants and service providers to which we are loyal.  Frequent Fliers, Valued Customers, Honored Guests, Referral Programs and others give us points that convert to gifts, discounts, or cash-back.  I have a card wallet just for holding those reward cards.  Guess I am an equal opportunity loyal customer because there are so many places from which to choose where to purchase groceries, sundries, gifts, clothes, and gas.  Favored restaurants give ‘free’ meals if you register the card online, accept their box filling emails and keep their card presenting it each time you dine with them.  Services will ‘give’ a monthly discount for referred customers who sign up for specific, and sometimes costly, plans.

Calculating and research proves, these are pretty much schemes to get me to spend more with them.  For example, a favored retailer sent me a birthday gift, 30% off a regular priced item.  The small print read, valued at $125 or more.  My 30% off birthday gift would cost me a minimum of $87.  Give me two!!  We all need to buy groceries, and some stores allow an earned discount of 10 cents off a gallon of gas, once you spend $100 with them.  Sounds good doesn’t it?  So here’s the kicker on that one.  You must use your discount before the end of the month whether it’s to fill up the can to mow the lawn or your car; it's good only once.  The ratio of this savings is a real eye opener.  My vehicle has a tank capacity of 17 gallons if it’s empty.  I am saving, at most, $1.70 for spending $100.  But, hey, we’ve got to eat so we may as well frequent them and save on gas.  I feel so valued by that revelation, don’t you?

There is a most excellent reward program.  It exists for all of us.  The giver will never bankrupt; the gifts will never go out of style.  For believers, these are our golden tickets to the most exquisite of treasures.  We get to redeem them for crowns to repeatedly give to our King as we worship Him through eternity!  Our rewards there are based on what we do here to advance His kingdom.  Our rewards there are pure, protected from rust and decay.  Our awards are custom made, always fit, and never break down.  They are always shiny, never tarnish, and the perfect color.  

You can be a part of this loyalty program too, but first, you must sign up.  How do you do that?  It’s quite simple really.  Pray to Him with belief in your heart Jesus is God; He came to earth to live and die for us, to pay for all of our sins.  He rose again; ask Him to be with you forever.  That’s it.  You are now a child of God!  You are now a co-inheritor to the Kingdom.  Your deeds and life are all a testimony to Him and the Kingdom of God.  Your rewards await you. 

Oh, and get this, God doesn’t scheme nor does He do lame.  I can guarantee our rewards are of utmost value, with a greater ratio than $1.70 to $100!  

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